Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meet WP Engine’s New Agency Plans


WP Engine’s new agency plans are designed to be perfect for your agency today with the flexibility and scalability to meet client demands of tomorrow.

Here at WP Engine we’re lucky enough to work with some of the most innovative agencies in the world. In fact, over 11,000 of them are members of our Agency Partner Program. We love empowering our agencies as they build incredible digital experiences for clients and brands of all sizes all over the world.

Because of these relationships, we’re always looking for ways to empower agencies to grow their capabilities and their business. That can come in the form of new features, competitive commissions for referrals, or resources and content to better pitch clients. Today it takes the form of new agency plans for agencies to sell to their clients.

One thing we continuously hear from our agency partners—in order to stay competitive they are continuously focused on working smarter and more efficiently. At the same time, they need to be able to offer robust solutions and services with predictable costs and consistent requirements. We heard this over and over from our agency customers and knew we had a key role to play.

More than just re-bundled hosting

Every hosting provider with any name recognition offers agency plans. Often these are nothing more than bundles of their services and features with a bulk discount. Depending on the provider, this can lead to agencies hosting their clients next to “noisy neighbors” (sites which overuse shared server resources). Or worse, it leaves agencies managing hosting resources manually to give their clients the reliability, performance, and security they need. 

But we’re committed to offering something better. Our modern, containerized, distributed infrastructure, designed for agencies, eliminates the possibility of “noisy neighbors.” This means WP Engine agency plans provide consistent resources for every client site. 

Our new plan structure also provides fully integrated features and add-ons for every client on your account, leading to far less à la carte feature management. In short, our new agency plans ensure you can build better sites faster and leave the rest to us.

An abstraction of the three WP Engine agency plan levels: Essential, Plus, and Pro

Ready right now, built to grow with you

When your business includes building, hosting, and maintaining sites, there’s no such thing as a set-it-and-forget-it plan. You know from the moment you sign up for hosting that your business will outgrow the plan you’re buying today (or at least you hope it does!). 

Our new agency plans are built for the reality of your agency’s growth and success. Not only does the infrastructure scale as you add sites, your plan capabilities scale as you tackle more complex projects.

Predictable pricing and capabilities

Agency profitability often rises and falls based on the ability to create recurring revenue streams and achieve consistent costs. Our new plans offer predictable per-site pricing plus management, reporting, and maintenance features that apply to every client site. This means your agency can confidently offer WP Engine hosting with maintenance automation and efficient tooling, helping increase your profitability.

Includes the support and expertise you need

When your client needs an answer, they often want it yesterday. Not to mention your devs who don’t always work nine to five. Good news! With our agency plans, we’re always ready with an answer. Every WP Engine customer has access to our award-winning support 24/7/365. And, depending on your plan level, you’ll have access to higher-tier support or even a Technical Account Manager who can help you plan out complex builds before you even pitch them.

Delight your clients, empower your devs, and improve ROI

No matter your agency’s size or, more importantly, the size of your clients, WP Engine’s new agency plans are built from the ground up to meet your business where it’s at and then grow with you. 

From new infrastructure designed specifically for you to resell to included tools and automation that help you develop and manage complex sites at scale, these new plans were built with agency input for agencies. And did we mention they come with an uptime guarantee as high as 99.99% depending on your plan level? Well they do. Performance, security, and reliability, built specifically for your business, and ready for you today.

Head over to our agency plans page to explore these new offerings on your own, or, if you’re ready to dive in, connect with one of our agency experts today!


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